Viola biflora : {Japanese Name : Kibana-no-komanotume}
Viola biflora
Nagano / July 24, 2008 alt.=2,650m
Viola biflora Viola biflora
Viola biflora Viola biflora
Viola biflora Viola biflora
  • Stipules are all edges.
    Hair is conspicuous on the surface of a leaf.
  • The form of a leaf is kidney-shaped.
    Hair is seen in the edge of the leaf.
Nagano / July 24, 2008
Section Dischidium Ging.
Scientific Name Type species Viola biflora L. Kibana-no-komanotume Published in: Sp. pl. 2:936. (1753)
Viola biflora var. akaishiensis Hid.Takah. et Ohba Akaishi Kibana-no-komanotume
Viola biflora var. vegeta (Nakai) Hid.Takah. Ootakane Sumire
Form Viola biflora f. glabrifolia Hid.Takah. Joetu Kibana-no-komanotume
Viola diffusoides C. J. Wang Kibana-no-komanotume
Viola crassa f. subpubescens Hiyama Joetu Kibana-no-komanotume
Chrysion biflorum (L.) Spach
Dischidium biflorum (L.) Opiz
Origin biflora : two flowers
Common names
【Chinese】双花堇菜 SHUANGHUAJINCAI、雙黃花堇菜、【Korean】졸방제비꽃、
【English】Two flowered Violet, yellow wood violet, arctic yellow violet, Alpine yellow violet
Stalk Form A flower scape is extended from a stalk, and a flower blooms from each scape.
Habitat The brightly humid grassland and stone ground of the alpine belt.
Distribution Japan domestic Distributed over central Honshu and Shikoku, and Kyushu (Yaku Islands) from Hokkaido.
Japan overseas North America, Asia, Europe, Taiwan, the China southwest and northern part, India, Nepal, Pakistan.
Flower Shape Middle size.
Color The flower is yellow. A purplish red article enters into the labial palp.
Leaf Shape The radius of about 2cm. A kidney form or a round shape. The base is a heart type.
Color Bright green.
Seed Shape
Characteristics of roots
Endangered Information
Type Specimen
Chromosome Number 2n=12
Reference Information

Viola biflora
Akita / July 8, 2006 alt.=1,500m
Viola biflora Viola biflora
Akita / July 7, 2006 alt.=1,440m
Viola biflora Viola biflora
  • An oval-faced flower. A long chin is charm point.
  • Some cream yellow flowers are dotted there.
  • July 7, 2006 / Akita
  • July 8, 2006 / Akita
Viola biflora Viola biflora
  • Whole pod is green and has a long handle.
  • Round leaves are spread flatly.
Akita / July 7, 2006

Viola biflora
Akita / July 8, 2006 alt.=1,520m
Viola biflora Viola biflora
Nagano / July 27, 2013 alt.=2,060m

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