Viola orientalis : {Japanese Name : Ki Sumire}
Viola orientalis
Oita, Aso-Kuju National Park / April 15, 2009 alt.=820m

Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Viola orientalis
Oita, Aso-Kuju National Park / April 16, 2009 alt.=780m
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Oita, Aso-Kuju National Park / April 19, 2006
Section Chamaemelanium Gingins
Scientific Name Type species Viola orientalis (Maxim.) W. Becker : {Ki Sumire} Published in: B. A. Fedchenko, Fl. Asiat. Ross. 8:95. (1915)
Viola orientalis f. pallida Hatusima, f. nov. : {Usugi Ki Sumire}
Viola orientalis f. laciniata (Taken.) F.Maek. : {Nokogiriba Ki Sumire}
Viola orientalis f. plena Hatusima, f. nov. : {Yae Ki Sumire}
Viola uniflora L. var. orientalis Maxim., 1915
Viola conferta (W. Becker) Nakai
Viola orientalis var. conferta W. Becker
Viola xanthopetala Nakai B. M. T. 36: 29 (1922)
Origin orientalis : originating in a name of area.
Common names 【China】东方堇菜、【Korean】노랑제비꽃、【English】Golden violet
Stalk Form A flower scape is extended from a stalk, and a flower blooms from each scape.
Habitat Growing in the mountainous district that is covered with pampas grasses in summer, or the light and dried grassland.
Distribution Japan domestic Mt. Fuji outskirts, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyushu. It is dotted around a volcanic zone.
Japan overseas China, Korea, Taiwan and Russia.
Flower Shape Middle size. The petals are round, the lip valve is smaller than the others. The side valve base is hairy (yellow protrusive hair).
Color Deep yellow. The back side of the petal is tinged with dark red.
Spur Very short.
Season Ordinary period.
Stigma White (or transparent) hair. It is hard to see.
Others A double flower has been found in Kuju town (Oita). The calyx attachment is relatively large.
Leaf Shape Leaves are thick. 1.5 - 4cm long, 1 - 3cm wide. Pointed triangle, base is heart shape. Stem leaves are slightly elongated, and put 3 leaves on top.
Color Dark green. It is glossy to the leaf surface, and the back is tinged with purple.
Others There are fine hair on both sides. Both ends of the base may be wrapped on the front side during the flower season.
Seed Shape Oval egg-shaped. Medium and large grains.
Color Seeds: glossy light brown.
Others Fruits are hairless.
Characteristics of roots The roots are white and thick and long. Little thinner near the stem contact, spreading horizontally.
Endangered Information Yamanasi:ThreatenedⅠ, Shizuoka:ThreatenedⅡ, Aichi:ThreatenedⅠ, Hiroshima:ThreatenedⅠ, Ehime:ThreatenedⅠ, Kochi:ThreatenedⅠ, Oita:Near Threatened, Kumamoto:Near Threatened, Kagoshima:ThreatenedⅠ
Type Specimen
Chromosome Number 2n=12
Reference Information
Others A ground part disappears and goes into an dormancy state in summer. The stem gets reddish. Rhizome is extremely short.

Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Yamanashi / April 27, 2002
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Yamanashi / May 5, 2001
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Chiba / April 11, 1998 Cultivation Chiba / April 8, 2001 Cultivation
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Chiba / April 1, 2001 Cultivation

Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Shizuoka / May 5, 2001
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Shizuoka / April 17, 2006
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Viola orientalis
Shizuoka / April 24, 2011

Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Viola orientalis Viola orientalis
Shizuoka / April 24, 2012

Viola orientalis
Tokyo / April 3, 2006 Cultivation

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