Viola amamiana : {Japanese Name : Amami Sumire}
Viola amamiana
Viola amamiana Viola amamiana
Viola amamiana Viola amamiana
Kanagawa / March 24, 2006 Cultivation

Viola amamiana Viola amamiana
Viola amamiana
Kanagawa / March 23, 2008 Cultivation

Viola amamiana Viola amamiana
Tokyo / March 31, 2014 Cultivation
Section Patellares (Boissier) Nakai, Rheophyte
Scientific Name Type species Viola amamiana Hatusima> : [Amami Sumire] Published in: Sci. Rep. Yokosuka City Mus., no. 15:13. (1969)
Origin amamiana : derived from the name of Amami Oshima Island
Common names
Stalk Form The individual leaves and flowering stalks emerge directly from the rootstock.
Habitat On rocks along and in streams.
Distribution Japan domestic It is endemically distributed in Okinawa (Main Island North) and Kagoshima (Amami Oshima), southern end of Japan.
Japan overseas
Flower Shape Very small (10-12mm).
Color White, slightly yellowish in central part 8mm across, purple-striate on low petal. Side petals are hairless.
Spur Small and round.
Season Late (from the end of April to May).
Stigma Inverted triangle.
Others Hair grows on flower stems and sepals. The appendix of the calyx has a unique shape.
Leaf Shape Blade ovate, 5 - 10mm long, 3 - 6mm wide.
Color Both surfaces are light green, with hairs near margins.
Others Evergreen leaf. Some have white fine hair on the edges.
Seed Shape Obovate. Medium size grain.
Color Light brown. It is shiny.
Others It is explained that the germination rate is high.
Characteristics of roots
Endangered Information Ministry of the Environment [Critically Endangered IA (CR)], Kagoshima:ThreatenedⅠ
This is the interpretation of the species as published in The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Type Specimen
Amani Oshima (Kagoshima) by Sumihiko Hatsushima (1969).
Amani Oshima (Kagoshima) by S.Sako (1964) on the mossy and rocky bank of the upper stream of the Sumiyo River.
Chromosome number 2n=22 (Shiuchi, T., 2000, Bulletin of the Botanic Gardens of Toyama)
Reference Information
A New Violet from Ryukyus Sumihiko Hatusima(Kagoshima Univ.)
Others Endemic to Japan.
Viola amamiana Viola amamiana
\63円(Issued by Japan Post Kyusyu 2021/2/1)
\84円(Issued by Japan Post 2022/8/10)
Viola amamiana
Viola amamiana Viola amamiana
Viola amamiana Viola amamiana
Kanagawa / March 19, 2010 Cultivation

 (2006/03/25) Latest Update 2023/08/26 [685KB]

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