Viola blandaeformis : {Japanese Name : Usuba Sumire}
Viola blandaeformis
Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis
Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis
Viola blandaeformis
Nagano / June 20, 2010 alt.=2,020m

Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis
Nagano / June 18, 2022 alt.=1,600m
Section Plagiostigma Gordon
Scientific Name Type species Viola blandaeformis Nakai : {Usuba Sumire} Published in: Bull. Soc. Bot. France 72: 192. (1925)
Synonym Viola blanda Willd. var. violascens Nakai Published in: Bot. Mag. Tokyo 36: (58) (1922)
Origin blandaeformis: Shape is similar with Vola blanda.
Common names 【Korean】엷은잎제비꽃
Stalk Form The individual leaves and flowering stalks emerge directly from the rootstock.
Habitat In Chubu District, it grows wild under the needle-leaf forest in the sub-high mountain. It sees at the humid place in which the moss grows.
Distribution Japan domestic Restrictively distributed from Hokkaido to Chube District.
Japan overseas Japanese endemic species.
Others (there is also information that are native to Korea)
Flower Shape Middle size. The upper valve is warped. The side valve is hairless (rarely hairy).
Color Pale white flower. Purple stripes enter the labellum.
Spur White, round and short.
Season Late (June-July).
Stigma Thin rod or small inverted triangle.
Others The calyx is narrow-ovate, and the appendages are all edges.
Leaf Shape 25 - 40mm long x 25 - 40mm wide. The low saw teeth overlap like a fold.
Color Bright green. The back side is glossy.
Others Hairless and thinly soft.
Seed Shape Obovate.
Color Milky white to yellowish white.
Others The smaller capsules have brown spots similar to Viola keiskei.
Characteristics of roots The rhizome is thick and short, and slightly thickened.
Endangered Information Akita:EndangeredⅡ, Fukushima:Near-threatened species, Niigata:Regional population, Saitama:EndangeredⅡ, Gifu:EndangeredⅠ
Type Specimen Mt. Hakkoda, Iwaki, Iwate, Yatugatake and Nyoho.
Chromosome Number 2n=24
Reference Information

Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis
Nagano / May 29, 2004

Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis
Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis
The light green leaf of the rolled touch.

Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis Viola blandaeformis
Blooming in the hill of moss, and moss shines to sunshiny inserted.
Nagano / June 8, 2003

Viola blandaeformis

 (2010/06/25) Latest Update 2023/08/26 [745KB]

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