Viola mandshurica : {Japanese Name : Sumire}
Viola mandshurica
Iwate / April 29, 1997
Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Oita / April 15, 2009 alt.=800m
Viola mandshurica
Kumamoto / April 21, 2006
Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Blue flower : Chiba / April 15, 2005 Cultivation White flower : Kanagawa / March 23, 2008 Cultivation
Viola mandshurica [Ebitya] Viola mandshurica [Shirokane]
[Ebitya] Kanagawa / March 21, 2007 Cultivation [Shirokane] Kanagawa / March 21, 2007 Cultivation

Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica (Amethyst)
[Ramification] December 12, 2007 Cultivation [Amethyst] Tokyo / March 31, 2016 Cultivation
[Ramification] The flower stalk is branched. Branching is fixed at the gene level and is inherited by seeds from closed flowers.

Viola mandshurica (Reddish spur)
[Tancho : Reddish spur] Tokyo / March 30, 2023 Cultivation
No purple stripe, and it looks like a white flower. But it has reddish spur (The color of the spur is not blue purple).

Viola mandshurica [Himure] Viola mandshurica [Himure] Viola mandshurica [Himure]
'Himure' April 21, 2022 (Cultivation)
Section Patellares (Boissier) Nakai
Scientific Name Type species Viola mandshurica W. Becker : {Sumire} Published in: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54:179. (1917)
Viola mandshurica var. ikedaeana (W. Becker) F.Maek. : {Hokoba Sumire}
Viola mandshurica var. triangularis (Fr. et Sav.) Mizushima : {Atuba Sumire}
Viola mandshurica var. triangularis f. niijimensis (Nakai) F.Maek. et T.Hashim. : {Niijima Sumire}
Viola mandshurica var. triangularis f. pubigera Hiyama ex F.Maek. : {Ke-atuba Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. albo-variegata Hort. ex F.Maek. : {Nishiki Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. crassa (Tatew.) F.Maek.> : {Anama Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. dispar Honda : {Nokogiri Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. hasegawae Hiyama, 1956 : {Sirokane Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. horomuiensis Sugim., 1965, nom. nud. : {Horomui Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. macrantha (Maxim.) Nakai ex Kitag. : {Obana Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. plena Hort. ex F.Maek. : {Komoro Sumire}

Viola mandshurica f. glabripetalla Hiyama : {Wakasyu Sumire}
Viola mandshurica f. macrantha (Maxim.) Nakai ex Kitag.
Viola mandshurica var. boninensis (Nakai) M. Mizushima
Viola mandshurica var. boninensis f. bicolor
Viola niijimensis Nakai
Viola patrinii var. triangularis Franch. & Sav.
Viola taiwaniana Nakai
Origin Viola mandshurica : Manchurian (Northeastern region of China), ikedaeana : person's name (S. Ikeda),
triangularis : triangular, crassa : thick, fleshy
Common names 【Chinese】东北堇菜、紫花地丁, 【Korean】제비꽃
Stalk Form The individual leaves and flowering stalks emerge directly from the rootstock.
Habitat Sunlight is important as growth conditions. It does not see at gloomy places, such as in a forest. It sees from near the seashore to an alp.
Distribution Japan domestic Growing all over Japan.
Japan overseas China, Korea and Russia.
Flower Shape Middle (20mm).
Color Purple-violet or purplish, sometimes white.
Others Sepals is ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate.
Leaf Shape Blade ovate, 25 - 80mm long, 5 - 20mm wide.
Color Both surfaces are light green, with hairs near margins.
Others Linear-lanceolate.
Seed Shape
Characteristics of roots Generally a root is dark brown or cinnamon color.
Endangered Information
Type Specimen
Chromosome Number 2n=48 (Starodubtsev, V. N., 1985, Botanicheskii Žhurnal)
Reference Information
Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
left :Issued by Japan Post 2001/03/21
center:Issued by Japan Post 2005/07/22
right:Issued by Japan Post 2014/03/03
Issued by Japan Post 2019/08/20
Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Gunma / May 4, 2003
The beautiful white line is contained in the upper valve.
Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Chiba / May 11, 2003 Cultivation Kanagawa / March 23, 2008 Cultivation
Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Chiba / November 18, 2006
The beautiful bright red violet begins to bloom when the middle of November.

Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Hokkaido / May 30, 2010 alt.=5m

Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Chiba / February 13, 2011 Cultivation : "Yugiri" Chiba / April 6, 1998 Cultivation : White flower

Viola mandshurica Viola mandshurica
Tokyo / April 11, 2000 Tokyo / April 12, 2000
Viola mandshurica is very strong. It sees well in a way side.

Viola mandshurica f. Plena Viola mandshurica f. Plena
Chiba / April 7, 2001
With a potted plant, it may not become double pedals.

Viola mandshurica f. albo-variegata Viola mandshurica f. albo-variegata
Chiba / April 19, 2002 Cultivation Chiba / May 11, 2003 Cultivation
Viola mandshurica f. albo-variegata : light-yellow and pastel pink spots are entered.

Viola mandshurica

Viola mandshurica (Double flower) Viola mandshurica (Double flower) Viola mandshurica (Double flower) Viola mandshurica (Double flower) Viola mandshurica (Double flower) Viola mandshurica (Double flower)
Viola mandshurica (Double flower) Chiba / May 10, 2019

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