Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis : {Japanese Name : Yamatukusi Sumire}
Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Kanagawa / March 23, 2008 Cultivation
Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Chiba / April 22, 2006 Cultivation
Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Apri 24, 2017 / Chiba / April 19, 2007 Cultivation
Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Chiba / April 19, 2007 Cultivation
Section Diffusae W. Becker
Scientific Name Type species Viola diffusa Gingius ex de Candolle : {Tsukusi Sumire (Original, Widely alive)} Published in: A. P. de Candolle 1: 298 (1824)
Subspecies Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis (Benth.) W. Becker : {Yama Tsukusi Sumire} Published in: Philipp. J. Sci. 19(6): 714-715. (1921)
Variety Viola diffusa var. glabella H. Boissier : {Tsukusi Sumire} Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 1(11): 1077. (1901)
Synonym Viola tenuis Bentham
Origin diffusa : Spread, diffused, tenuis : thin.
Common names 【Chinese】心叶蔓茎堇菜,【Taiwanese】心叶茶匙黃、心葉茶匙黃
Stalk Form A flower scape is extended from a stalk, and a flower blooms from each scape.
Habitat It grows wild in ravine area.
Distribution Japan domestic
Japan overseas Distributed from the Southeastern Asian subtropical zone to the subtropical zone from the East Asia.
Flower Shape Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Middle or small size.
Color The central part is white, the nucleus is pale yellow, and the periphery is pale pink. It has a darker color than Viola diffusa.
Spur White and short.
Season In the native field, it blooms from December to spring.
Stigma Inverted triangle shape.
Others Fine hair stands out on the red flower stem. There is a purple stripe on the lip valve. The number of flowers is extremely large.
Leaf Shape Blade shape like a spoon.
Color Both sides are green.
Others White hair stands out on the surface. It spreads like a rosette toward the four sides. It stands up when fruit is ready.
Seed Shape Very small grains. Tearing drop shape (bulging oval).
Color Brown, black-brown.
Others The number of seeds per strain is extremely large.
Characteristics of roots
Endangered Information
Type Specimen
Chromosome Number 2n=74
Reference Information
Others It is a warm regional violet, but also has some cold resistance

Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Chiba / April 22, 2006 Cultivation
Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Chiba / April 28, 2006 Cultivation

Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Kanagawa / March 21, 2007 Cultivation
Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Aich / April 5, 2008 Cultivation This is displayed as 'Nanban Sumire'. It has blue flower.
Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Chiba / Feburuary 23, 2010 Cultivation

Viola diffusa ssp. tenuis
Chiba / March 31, 2010 Cultivation

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