Viola hirtipes x V. patrinii : {Japanese Name : Kowashimizu Sumire}
Viola hirtipes x patrinii Viola hirtipes x patrinii
Nagano / June 7, 2003
Viola hirtipes x patrinii
Hybrids are not stable features. Big differences in the same combination.
Viola hirtipes x patrinii Viola hirtipes x patrinii
Nagano / June 7, 2003
Mating parents
Viola hirtipes
Viola hirtipes S. Moore ( 2n=24 )
Viola patrinii
Viola patrinii DC. ex Ging. ( 2n=24 )
Scientific Name
Viola x sp.
Viola hirtipes S. Moore x V. patrinii DC.
Common names
Stalk Form Hybrids between stemless species.
Habitat Sunny and bright mountainous field or plateau area.
Distribution Japan domestic
Japan overseas
Flower Shape Middle or large size flower similar to Viola hirtipes. White hair often grows densely on the side valve.
Color There are changes in flowers that are almost white, flowers that have a bluish-purple blur, and flowers that have purple stripes. It is a common feature that the back of the upper valve shows a strong magenta color.
Season Late May to mid-June.
Leaf Shape Shows the intermediate characteristics of the parents. Become a long triangular shape.
Color Basically both sides are green. However, the changes are large depending on the characteristics of the hybrid parent.
Characteristics of roots
Endangered Information
Type Specimen It is said that Mr. S.Suzuki found it at Yashigamine (Kirigamine area, Nagano Prefecture, 1978).
Chromosome Number
Reference Information
Others The name "Kowashimizu" is derived from the name of the place where Mr. S. Suzuki first discovered it (Kirigamine area, Nagano Prefecture, 1975). However, it turned out that it was a mistake, later. Sterile.
Viola hirtipes x patrinii Viola hirtipes x patrinii
Viola hirtipes x patrinii
This could not be flowering well.
Nagano June 1, 2007

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