Viola x miyajiana : {Japanese Name : Suwa Sumire}
Viola x miyajiana Viola x miyajiana
Kanagawa / March 20, 2009 Cultivation
Viola x miyajiana
Kanagawa / March 21, 2007 Cultivation
Viola x miyajiana Viola x miyajiana
Viola x miyajiana Viola x miyajiana
Kanagawa / March 21, 2007 Cultivation
Viola x miyajiana
Kanagawa / March 23, 2008 Cultivation
Mating parents
Viola eizanensis
Viola eizanensis (Makino) Makino ( 2n=24 )
Viola yezoensis
Viola yezoensis Maximowicz ( 2n=24 )
[photo: f. discolor]
Scientific Name Type species Viola x miyajiana Koidz. : {Suwa Sumire} Published in: B. M. T. 39: 29 (1925)
Form Viola x miyajiana f. sordida : {Haguro Suwa Sumire}
Viola x polysecta Nakai Published in: B. M. T. 33: 206 (1919)
Viola x multifida (Franch. & Sav.) Makino Published in: B. M. T. 16: 125 (1902)
Origin The scientific name is a dedication to Mr. Y. Miyaji.
Common names
Stalk Form (Mating parents) The individual leaves and flowering stalks emerge directly from the rootstock.
Habitat The damp place which becomes half-day shades such as road along a swamp.
Distribution Japan domestic
Japan overseas
Flower Shape Middle or large size.
Color Generally, the color of a flower is purplish red from thinner red. It is rich in variation to the color almost near white.
Spur Long round shape.
Stigma Inverted triangle.
Aromatic There is information that there is a faint scent.
Leaf Shape It is a lancet arch or an egg-shaped lancet arch. There is irregular jaggedness including the sharpness to be almost common to the hybrid of Viola eizanensis.
Color Generally green. As for "f. sordida", deep blackish brown is worn.
Others Fine hair is noticeable on both sides.
Seed Shape
Others Generally the seed does not grow, but rarely grows.
Characteristics of roots
Endangered Information
Type Specimen Agano, Kamisuwa, Nakasumura, Jingujiyama (Y.Miyaji & H.Koidzumi, May 1924, KYO).
Chromosome Number
Reference Information
Others In 1924, Mr. Chino found it in Suwa City (Nagano Pref.), and the following year, Dr. G. Koidzumi of Kyoto University announced it.
Viola x miyajiana
Tokyo / March 31, 2014 Cultivation

Viola x miyajiana Viola x miyajiana
Viola x miyajiana Viola x miyajiana
Gunma / April 24, 2010 alt.=480m

 (2011/02/12) Latest Update 2024/08/06 [860KB]

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