Viola x 'Sweet Fairy' (Viola phalacrocarpa x tairae var. tairae )
Viola x 'Sweet Fairy' (Viola chaerophylloides x tashiroi var. tairae)
Viola x 'Sweet Fairy' (Viola chaerophylloides x tashiroi var. tairae)
Aichi / April 5, 2008 Cultivation
Mating parents
Viola chaerophylloides
Viola chaerophylloides (Regel) W. Becker ( 2n=24 )
Viola tashiroi var. tairae
Viola tashiroi var. tairae Nakajima ( 2n=22 )
Viola x 'Sweet Fairy' (mating by S. Suzuki)
Viora chaerophylloides (Regel) W. Becker x tashiroi var. tairae Nakajima
Flower Shape Middle size.
Color Pink.
Leaf Shape Because one parent is V. chaerophylloides, cut the leaves can be seen.
Color Both surfaces are dark green.
Reference Information
Others The leaves are very similar to Viola iwagawae. However, most of the leaves are standing.

 (2011/12/06) Latest Update 2023/08/28 [450KB]

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