Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana : {Japanese Name : Higo Sumire}
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Kanagawa / May 1, 2010 alt.=775m

Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Gunma / April 24, 2010 alt.=700m
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Gunma / April 25, 2010 alt.=755m

Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Exploding fruit : The fruit is a little red in spite of flower color.
Kumamoto / April 21, 2006
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Kumamoto / April 17, 2009 alt.=520m
Section Patellares (Boissier) Nakai
Scientific Name Type species Viola chaerophylloides (Regal) W. Becker : {Nanzan Sumire} Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. 2, 2: 856 (1902)
Variety Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana (Maxim.) Makino : {Higo Sumire} B. M. T. 19: 87 (1905)
Origin chaerophylloides: Shape is similar with Chaerophyllum.
Common names 细裂堇菜 (xi lie jin cai)
Stalk Form The individual leaves and flowering stalks emerge directly from the rootstock.
Habitat In the forest bottoms showing a slight good drying per the positive of the mountainous district.
Distribution Japan domestic From Akita to Kyusyu in Japan.
Japan overseas The east northern part in China, Russia, the Korean Peninsura.
Flower Shape Medium (a corolla is about 15 - 20mm across). The side valve base is hairy.
Color Colors of the petals are usually white, purple-striate on low petal. A few red flower is seen in Kyushu.
Spur Usually a long cylinder.
Stigma Inverted triangle.
Aromatic Fragrance.
Others In western Japan, some individuals have red purple stripes behind the upper valve.
Leaf Shape A compound leaf that splits in five. 15 - 25mm long, 15 - 25mm wide in flower season.
Color Light green.
Others Summer leaf becomes quite large. However, form does not change mostly.
Seed Shape Fallen egg shape. Medium and small grains.
Color Dark yellow-brown. Seed pillow: white with no gloss.
Others The fruits are hairless and have reddish brown spots.
Characteristics of roots White and thick. It is composed of a few large roots.
Endangered Information Akita:ThreatenedⅠ, Miyagi:ThreatenedⅠ, Yamagata:ThreatenedⅠ, Niigata:ThreatenedⅡ, Gunma:ThreatenedⅠ, Titigi:Near Threatened, Saitama:Near Threatened, Tokyo:ThreatenedⅠ, Ishikawa:ThreatenedⅡ, Gifu:ThreatenedⅠ, Kyoto:準Threatened種、Osaka:ThreatenedⅡ, Tottori:Near Threatened, Yamaguchi:Near Threatened, Kochi:ThreatenedⅠ, Kagoshima:ThreatenedⅡ
Type Specimen Nagasaki
Chromosome Number 2n=24
Reference Information

Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Gunma / April 20, 2002 Mt. Haruna Toyko / March 29, 2001 Cultivation
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Toyko / March 29, 2001 Cultivation

Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Red flower group. : A flower bud is red, and the petal is thin crimson.
Kanagawa / May 19, 2010 Cultivation Tokyo / March 30, 2023

Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Tokushima : May 7, 2009 alt.=870m
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Tokyo : May 1, 2010 alt.=770m
Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana Viola chaerophylloides var. sieboldiana
Gunma : April 24, 2010 Chiba : April 3, 2005 Cultivation

 (2009/12/05) Latest Update 2024/08/06 [1.80MB]

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